31 January, 2007
30 January, 2007
28 January, 2007
27 January, 2007
25 January, 2007
24 January, 2007
22 January, 2007
21 January, 2007
20 January, 2007
19 January, 2007
18 January, 2007
17 January, 2007
the dagobah frappr map...where are you from?
*TO VIEW OLDER POSTS, VISIT THE OLD DAGOBAH BLOG AT http://olddagobahproject.blogspot.com. ENJOY!
The Dagobah Project: Links
Melon Man Media.com
Stepien iPhoneography
Christian's Sites
Christian Stepien.com
Christian on Flickr.com
Stepien iPhoneography
Christian on YouTube.com
Christian on Twitter
Christian on IMDB.com
Christian's image of "Penelope" on National Geographic.com (*look under April 2010)
Links To Check Out
Norbert Stepien - http://www1.clikpic.com/Hi_Flyer/
Stephane Lam - www.stephanelamphoto.com
Maile Roseland - www.maile-photography.com
Shannon Richardson - www.shannonrichardson.com/electrolite.html
Brooks Jensen - www.brooksjensenarts.com
DP Review - www.dpreview.com
Ill Scarlett - www.illscarlett.com
The Meligrove Band - www.meligroveband.com
Hayden - www.wasteyourdaysaway.com/
LIFE Magazine on Google Books - http://books.google.com/books/serial/ISSN:00243019?rview=1&source=gbs_navlinks_s
LIFE photo archive - http://images.google.com/hosted/life
Ansel Adams' image at the U.S. National Archives - www.archives.gov/research/ansel-adams/
16 January, 2007
The Dagobah Project: In The Media
14 June, 2011 - The Toronto Star (Canada)
4 June, 2011 - The Toronto Star (Canada)
8 January, 2011 - Nejvicinfo (Czech Republic)
5 January, 2011 - People Pets (USA)
December, 2010 - The Telegraph (UK) *One of the photographs of the year!
June, 2010 - Stern VIEW (Germany) *Cover shot & 2-page spread! Circulation of 150,000! Wow!
16 June, 2010 - Iisus Pictures (Russia)
28 May, 2010 - AOL News
10 May, 2010 - Dogs And Dames.com
7 May, 2010 - AOL's Paw Nation
7 May, 2010 - My Dog Space.com
30 April, 2010 - Aksam (Turkey)
29 April, 2010 - Loose Women Television Show (U.K.)
28 April, 2010 - USA Today (*I found the article online in July, 2010. The picture was already gone, but the story was still in their archive)
28 April, 2010 - The Daily Mail
28 April, 2010 - The Sun
28 April, 2010 - The Telegraph
19 April, 2010 - National Geographic.com
August, 2007 - Shutterbug Magazine
August, 2006 - The Mississauga News Interview
June, 2006 - First Local News Broadcast
July/August, 2004 - Inside Mississauga Interview
February, 2002 - Chart Magazine Review of "Beat Poetry" (4 Stars!)
9 November, 2001 - The Mississauga News Interview
31 January, 2001 - The Mississauga News Interview
October, 2000 - Complete Chaos Zine, #3 Interview
September, 2000 - Exclaim! *Review of the album, Brodie
June, 2000 - Chart Magazine *Review of the album, Brodie
December, 1999 - Complete Chaos Zine, #2 *Review of single, It's All Behind Us