30 June, 2009


Sliding, originally uploaded by Christian Stepien.com.

Along with her first experience in a lake came her first time riding down a slide. She enjoyed it, as you can tell from her big smile.

29 June, 2009


Hopping, originally uploaded by Christian Stepien.com.

Lola had her first experience with a lake this weekend. She swam well, but in shallow water she decided hopping was the best way to get around.

23 June, 2009

White On Green

White On Green, originally uploaded by Christian Stepien.com.

After a really, really tough week and a half (don't ask...unless you have an hour), I had to get out and go for a walk. On my half hour trek I came back with a handful of what I think are some really great shots! I realized it's been a while since I actually got out and made photographs. Well, there are two days left of school, and I definitely plan on getting out more this summer, as well as completing book #2 (still aiming for a late-summer release). So here's the first of a few posts from today's travels.

22 June, 2009

Lucky And Reflection

I found this photo in my "To Post" folder of Lucky made back in September of 2007. She was looking out the sliding door window. This was probably just a brief pause between her frantic window licking sessions.

20 June, 2009

She Came In Through The Balcony Window

Looking into my condo yesterday from the balcony, I saw this high contrast image in my head. So I made it real.

18 June, 2009


Poser, originally uploaded by Christian Stepien.com.

Another Lola pose.

10 June, 2009

Strike A Pose

Strike A Pose, originally uploaded by Christian Stepien.com.

Lola, last Saturday when I spent the day puppy sitting as Marina slept off a migraine.

06 June, 2009

Say Ahhh

Say Ahhh, originally uploaded by Christian Stepien.com.

Lola, mid-yawn. Are you guys getting bored of her yet? 'Cause I'm not!

02 June, 2009

Lola Eating A Newspaper

Here's a colour shot of Lola from her sleep-over last Friday night. This was the following morning.