Along with her first experience in a lake came her first time riding down a slide. She enjoyed it, as you can tell from her big smile.
29 June, 2009
25 June, 2009
A Field Of Those Little White Things
A flower? A weed? An enigma.
23 June, 2009
White On Green
After a really, really tough week and a half (don't ask...unless you have an hour), I had to get out and go for a walk. On my half hour trek I came back with a handful of what I think are some really great shots! I realized it's been a while since I actually got out and made photographs. Well, there are two days left of school, and I definitely plan on getting out more this summer, as well as completing book #2 (still aiming for a late-summer release). So here's the first of a few posts from today's travels.
22 June, 2009
Lucky And Reflection
I found this photo in my "To Post" folder of Lucky made back in September of 2007. She was looking out the sliding door window. This was probably just a brief pause between her frantic window licking sessions.
20 June, 2009
She Came In Through The Balcony Window
Looking into my condo yesterday from the balcony, I saw this high contrast image in my head. So I made it real.
10 June, 2009
Strike A Pose
Lola, last Saturday when I spent the day puppy sitting as Marina slept off a migraine.
06 June, 2009
02 June, 2009
Lola Eating A Newspaper
Here's a colour shot of Lola from her sleep-over last Friday night. This was the following morning.