28 February, 2009


I was looking through some old photographs today and I found this one of my old dog Toby. He passed away in 1996, and this photo was made right around that time.

24 February, 2009

Leaves & A Tree

The tree refers to the reflection, not the wood underneath the leaves. In fact, that's not even wood...it's an old closet door that was sitting outside under our grape vines.

22 February, 2009

Bend In The Road

We received another hit of snow yesterday, which I would have enjoyed if it weren't for the fact that I'm sick yet again. I really like the cool lines that cars create as they drive in the light dust.

21 February, 2009

A Break In The Trees

This was made in either late 2004 or early 2005. There was one spot of light poking through the trees, and it made the scene look as if it were glowing. The image isn't that sharp, but that adds to the mood I think.

20 February, 2009

House In The Trees

This photo was made in Milton, Ontario back in May of 2006. I used my Voigtlander Bessa R rangefinder. You know...I really wish these digital rangefinders weren't so expensive, because I love that style of camera. I also love the fact that with digital if I only make 2 exposures on a trip, I don't have to wait until all 24 exposures are made and the film is developed before I can see them. Oh well. Maybe one day.

19 February, 2009

A Closer Look

Damien & I made our way out to the Grange Equestrian Village this past weekend to visit my old friend Pay Day Pleasure. Here she was trying to eat my lens. It's amazing how a wide angle lens makes a subject appear far away...her nose was actually about 3 inches from the lens.

18 February, 2009


We received a light dusting of snow today, which is always good for photography I find. This was the view looking down from my balcony. I think I may work on an eFolio of photographs from my balcony...hhhmmm...

15 February, 2009

Valentine's In Niagara

Marina and I braved the cold and headed down to the falls yesterday. To be honest, it wasn't as cold as it has been in the past. If you look at the photo of the falls I took 2 years ago around this time, you can see there was a lot more ice then there is now. That said it was still bloody cold!

14 February, 2009

Asleep On A Hill

I can't believe I forgot about this photo! I made this last May at the Toronto Zoo, and I love the vibrant colours in it. That really was an amazing day for photography.

13 February, 2009

As Far As The Eye Can See

Another photograph made in the fog from my balcony. On a regular day you can see the C.N. Tower, but here you couldn't even see the buildings just down the street. It was great!

11 February, 2009

Layered Tree Tops

What an amazing foggy day! It's been so long since we've seen fog. Too bad I had to work, or I would have been out in Escarpment country all day!

10 February, 2009

Horses In The Equestrian Village

I made this photograph back in May, 2006 with my Voigtlander Bessa R. Even though the sky is blown out, I like the eerie, "heavenly" like quality it creates.

08 February, 2009

Lucky Under The Fence

I thought since I posted a "Lucky" photo yesterday, I'd post one of my earliest photos of her. I made this back in the summer of 2004 with my old Pentax Spotmatic. I was brand new to the world of "Fine Art" photography, so the highlights are blown out and it's not as sharp as I'd prefer. Still, I love this photo of her.

07 February, 2009

Lucky On Her Chair Bed

We bought this chair for my Grandfather a few years ago, but he insists on watching T.V. on his old, torn up, yellow chair. So Lucky took the new one over.

06 February, 2009

Foggy Forest Road

Back in January of 2005 my brother Damien and & I were driving around the Grange Equestrian Village in Caledon, Ontario in a really thick fog. We came upon a road that, to this day I have no idea where it leads. The gate was open and it seemed welcoming, so I made the photograph. Maybe one day I'll drive down to see what's on the other end.

04 February, 2009

Jar Self Portrait

Marina bought this glass jar that has gold leaf flaked all around it. I saw my reflection & couldn't resist.

03 February, 2009

A Care Bear Divided

A Care Bear divided against itself cannot stand. Should it care, or just not give a crap? Oh, the dilemma.

02 February, 2009

Dog Walking

As seen from my 6th floor balcony yesterday. It was my first time on the balcony since the temperature really dropped. I'm going to miss it when it drops again tomorrow.

01 February, 2009

Elevator Reflection

As the title suggests, yes...that's me...reflected in an elevator door.